Haunted Wedding Hall: A Horror Short Story

This is a real incident from my life. My name is Ana. My friend UZMA was getting married and I was very happy. Her family lived in the SARJANI area of Karachi, and the wedding hall was located deep within that area in a very deserted and secluded place. So let’s start the story.
The day of my friend’s wedding arrived. I wore a red dress and left my hair open. My parents said:

Parents: Dear the hall is in a very deserted place don’t leave your hair open or wear perfume it’s not a safe area.
I replied Nothing will happen you’re worrying for no reason. I’m getting late let’s go now.
I brushed off my parents concern leaving my hair open and wearing perfume and headed out.
When I reached the hall people had not yet arrived the hall was empty with only a few people present. Anyway I told my parents I would quickly use the restroom and went there.
I was wearing a strong rose-scented perfume and was fixing my hair in the restroom when I felt that someone else was there. As I was about to leave the restroom door locked and despite my efforts it wouldn’t open. I started crying and shouting but no one could hear me because loud music was playing in the hall drowning out my voice.

At that moment I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to look, and Suddenly someone opened the restroom door. I ran back to my parents and didn’t tell them what happened fearing they would take me home and worry.
I was very scared, so I went and sat close to my parents.. Soon a family joined our table—a husband, wife and a girl who sat directly opposite me.

The girl sitting across from me seemed strange. She was continuously staring at me without speaking or moving only smiling subtly. Her gaze felt unsettling. I wondered why any girl would look at another girl in such a strange way. Her continuous gaze and smile were making me nervous. I told my parents I wanted to go home and we left without eating.
After reaching home I felt a little relieved. I changed my clothes and lay down. As soon as I closed my eyes I heard bells ringing loudly as if someone was ringing bells right next to my ear and with my eyes closed I saw old ruins. I woke up immediately in fear.
This was only the beginning I couldn’t sleep the whole night. The next night the same thing happened. I became worried and woke up my parents from their sleep. Seeing my condition they became worried. My family performed some prayers over me but I still couldn’t sleep. At 4 a.m. my parents took me to the doctor. The doctor gave me a sleeping pill and we returned home. I took the pill and lay down to sleep.

My dear father may Allah grant him paradise put a chair by my bedside and sat next to me comforting me saying Go to sleep I’m right here. I drifted off to sleep while talking to my father. Some time later I found myself in an old ruin-like place lying down with my eyes open. But I couldn’t move or speak. I was crying inside wondering what was happening to me. I saw people dressed in black standing around me murmuring something. Their faces were covered. Gathering all my strength I called out to Allah and screamed as loud as I could. I woke up to find myself in my own bed with my father sitting by my side.
Seeing my father by my side, I felt relieved and told him about my dream.
My parents were very worried. The next day my father went to my friend’s house to inquire about that girl with whom she had sat. Her family also didn’t know who the girl was. My father then checked about the hall and people nearby told him that the area was a long-abandoned ruin, known to be haunted and the hall had only recently been built there.

My condition worsened day by day; I felt as if I was losing my sanity because I could only manage an hour of sleep even with sleeping pills. Fifteen days had passed since I’d last slept properly and my mental state was deteriorating rapidly.
My parents began reciting Quranic verses daily. They prayed over me regularly and although I was barely aware of myself they did everything they could to save me. They kept reciting prayers over me and the recitations of Quranic verses every morning and evening started bringing me peace. And my health improved and everything went back to normal like before.
The purpose of telling this story was to show that what our parents tell us is for our own good.