The jinn Horror Story: 8 Jinns Attack a Girl and Killed Her

The Haunting Attack of 8 Jinns on a Girl

jinn , evil , demon ,devil

There have been stories of jinn in our street for a long time. It is said that this area is home to jinn. This place used to be a forest, but now it has become quite populated yet stories about jinn keep circulating. I won’t reveal the name of this place but I will definitely share an incident that happened here with you.

street image


Two streets away from our house a new family moved in. Their family consisted of four children and husband and wife. They had three sons and one daughter. 

The daughter was about sixteen years old and the sons were younger. Their daughter's name was Ayesha. She was very beautiful with long hair large eyes, and fair skin.

girl , woman


Ayesha used to walk on the roof between evening and night every day. The family had been living there for just two months when suddenly Ayesha’s behavior began to change. She started feeling extremely hungry and would eat food meant for five to six people all by herself.

 Her family was very worried about how her appetite had increased so drastically. She would eat all the food in the house and in the middle of the night she would demand sweets. If she wasn’t given any she would start hitting her parents and brothers. Her condition worsened day by day.

girl , face

Her family took Ayesha to a doctor and ran some tests but everything was normal. She wasn’t suffering from any illness. However gradually Ayesha’s appearance started becoming strange and frightening. Her face started showing signs of savagery. One night when Ayesha’s parents were sleeping, her mother suddenly heard Ayesha crying.

 She came out of her room and saw Ayesha sitting on the stairs with her head bowed crying. Her mother approached her and asked Ayesha why are you sitting here and why are you crying?


Ayesha replied Mom save me. They are going to take me with them.

Ayesha's mother now worried asks Ayesha who will take you? Tell me

Pointing towards the roof Ayesha said There are eight of them. Save me they will kill me. And after saying that Ayesha fainted.

evil ,skull , jinn

Ayesha’s mother panicking ran to her husband and told him everything. The next day Ayesha’s mother sent her three sons to their grandmother’s house and called her elder brother. 
Her parents immediately untied her and her uncle told them that Ayesha was now free from the control of the jinn and that she was perfectly fine.

Ayesha’s uncle was a renowned religious scholar and had dealt with many jinn.

When he started speaking to Ayesha she became uncontrollable. Ayesha was tied with ropes and her uncle began reciting prayers. Ayesha started muttering in different languages and struggled to untie the ropes. 

Her uncle continued his recitation, and Ayesha’s terrifying screams echoed throughout the house. Suddenly there was complete silence and Ayesha’s voice called out Mom Mom water water.

 Ayesha’s parents breathed a sigh of relief. Ayesha drank some water and then said Come with me to the roof. I want to show you something.

Ayesha’s parents and her uncle all went to the roof. Ayesha explained that she used to walk here and this is where everything started. Her uncle reassured her There is nothing to fear now I have captured it. 

But then Ayesha started laughing her laugh was terrifying. In a changed voice Ayesha said There are eight of them you have only captured one the other seven And with that  Ayesha jumped from the roof and died.

girl ,face

She had told her mother that there were eight of them meaning only one jinn had been captured while the other seven still had control over Ayesha.


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